Team "Not in the Face!" We won some awesome loot. |
For those who don't know the ATC/ETC format, you have teams. A team captain puts down an army list and in response, the other captain throws down a list. It's a little like picking teams in a pickup basketball game.
For my part, I had a couple of good matchups and a couple of horrendous ones. My opponents were:
Game 1: High Elves
Game 2: Warriors of Chaos
Game 3: Warriors of Chaos
Game 4: Wood Elves
Game 5: Ogre Kingdoms
My list:
Black Orc Warboss with Crown of Command, Obsidian Trinket, Armor of Destiny
Savage Orc Shaman with level 4, shrunken head, fencer's blades
Night Goblin Shaman, level 1, ruby ring
Goblin BSB with Spider Banner, light armor, shield, bow
Goblin Bigboss, dragonbane gem, Enchanted Shield, Tormentor Sword, light armor
49 Night Goblins, bows, musician, standard, 2 fanatics
33 Savage Orc Big 'Uns, bows, standard, musician
8 Trolls
1 Wolf Chariot
2 Mangler Squigs
1 Pumpwagon, outriggas, spiky roller
1 Pumpwagon, outriggas, giant explodin' spores
2 Rock Lobbas
2 Doom Divers
A custom made K'Daii Destroyer from the guy who won best painted. Amazing army. |
Overall, I liked my list. The savage orcs with bows isn't a bad choice and it throws people who haven't played a really shooty O&G list. The trolls continued to suck in this list. I am going to drop them for more night goblins with bows/fanatics in my regular list. I also have found that the pumpwagons are way better than the chariots, so I'll be keeping them. However, the strength 5 is so much more useful than the str 4 with no armor saves. I'll be changing both chariots to have the spiky rollers. The outriggas is just amazing, also. I think both of those are mandatory upgrades.
This was the Night Goblin army that won best O&G army in the ATC Tournament. It is not my army! |
In game 1, the opponent had a lot of tough units. He had 2 big blocks of Phoenix Guard and White Lions backed up by a big unit of silver helms and bolt throwers. We shot each other for six turns. The big loss came in the first turn, when the Savage Orc shaman miscast and got sucked into the warp. That hurts, and it happens a lot more than I care to deal with. I am considering dropping the shrunken head shaman for a regular orc shaman with the earthing rod, just to reroll the miscasts. Even with that loss, I came within 1 model of killing the white lion unit and it would have given me the win.
My teammate Keith's Middenheim Empire Army. |
In game 2, I Gork-Stomped a chariot to death, panicked a chimera off the board, and wiped out the daemon prince with a rock lobba on turn one. He charged my Savage Orc Block with a Chimera and Skullcrushers. He managed to assassinate my BSB with a Chimera and I lost combat by one point. Even with the stubborn crown, I rolled a 12 for leadership and ran. This changed a rout in my favor to a draw. It got crazy, with me running my night goblin hero on the wolf into the troll unit, just to give them leadership to turn around and get the hell out of way of combats so that I could end the game.
In game 3, I was extremely tired and made some mistakes. I also miscast with the orc shaman (2 dice on Fists of Gork) and lost all my spells. I basically played like crap and got a draw.
My teammate David's Skaven Army. |
In game 4, it was a pretty tough points denial Wood Elf list. Big block of chicks with 4+ ward saves and a lot of shooting. We danced for 6 turns and neither of us killed much.
Finally, in game 5, I had my butt handed to me. This was the team that dominated the tournament. I didn't play the game badly, but I could not counter the maneaters with both Sniper and Poison. He got first turn, shot my rock lobbas with Skycannons, and used his panic spell to hit my doom divers. He killed a character a turn with the Maneaters. By the end, I charged his Maneaters with both my Savage Orcs and the Trolls, but still lost combat. Trolls broke, but the Savages stayed in. The scenario gave bonus points for killing characters, so what would have been maybe a 500-600 point loss turned into a 1500 point loss. It was ugly. I knew to try and Foot the maneaters, but didn't roll double 6's, so he just dispel scrolled it. He knew to kill my Goblin BSB with the Spider Banner. I don't know what else I could have done, but it was a brutal loss. Kudos to those guys, though. They knew who to match me up with.
My teammate Brandon's Caledor themed High Elf army. |
Anyway, it was a great tournament, and I'm looking forward to the Redstone Rumble in Alabama in October!
Next up is finishing painting and getting a display board together. I have some kind of "Squig Fighting Pit" board in mind. We'll see.