Saturday, June 21, 2014

Update on Squigmania, June 22, 2014

With ATC (American Team Championship) coming up in Chattanooga, TN, I'm trying to get my fantasy Orc and Goblin army painted to a basic standard.  I'm also trying to finish various squiggy conversions.  Every tournament I play, I become more and more convinced that the Orc and Goblin player's best bet is to make the army into a gunline.  It just works better with all the war machines we have.  And the savage orcs are good fighters, but at least the bows give them something to do.  In my last game,  I took a Terrorgheist down to one wound in a single turn with the poison banner and a volley from the savage orcs.  Not bad for a unit that's supposed to wreck stuff in combat.

Anyway, here's my list for the tournament:


Black Orc Warboss, crown of command, armor of destiny, obsidian trinket: 260 points

Savage Orc Great Shaman, level 4, fencer's blades, shrunken head: 290 points


Goblin Bigboss, light armor, shield, BSB, bow, Spider Banner: 151 points

Goblin Bigboss, wolf, light armor, shield, Warrior Bane, Dragonhelm: 66 points

Goblin Bigboss, wolf, light armor, enchanted shield, dragonbane gem, Tormentor Sword: 64 points

Night Goblin Shaman, level 1, dispel scroll, ruby ring of ruin: 100 points

Core Units:

35 Savage Orc Big 'Uns, bows, musician, standard bearer: 405 points

54 Night Goblins, bows, standard, musician, 2 fanatics: 232 points

Special Units: 

1 Wolf Chariot: 50 points

8 Trolls: 280 points

Rare Units:

1 Pumpwagon, outriggas, spiky roller: 70 points

1 Pumpwagon, outriggas, explodin' spores: 70 points

2 Mangler Squigs: 130 points

2 Rock Lobbas: 170 points

2 Doom Divers: 160 points

Also, here are some progress pics from my Squigmania army.  If you're wondering about the goblin launching the squig, I'm not sold on it either.  I plan on painting it and tearing it apart if it sucks.

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