Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Cincycon 2014 Tournament Musings...

Now that I've had a few days to recover, I figured I'd post what I learned about my army and the ones I played.

Here are a couple of photos of stuff that I'm finishing up.

The Squigvern:

The first Squig Herd:

My List, 2500 pts.

Black Orc Big Boss, Ruby Ring of Ruin

Savage Orc Great Shaman, Opal Amulet, Dispel Scroll

Night Goblin Bigboss, BSB, Standard of Discipline

Goblin Bigboss on giant wolf, spear, light armor, dragonbane gem

38 Savage Big 'uns, addtl. hand weapons, standard, musician

30 night goblins, musician, banner

10 Trolls

30 squigs/10 herders

2 pump wagons w/ outriggas

2 doom divers

2 rock lobbas

2 manglers

2 wolf chariots

3 units of 5 wolf riders

1 spear chukka

First, I was not allowed to use the Squig Gobba.  The gobba through the last few games has turned out to be a pretty decent shooting unit.  Auto hitting with strength 4 is pretty nice.  Plus, it can fight and anchors your weaker war machines pretty well.  People hesitate to attack a monster with 3D6 attacks.  The downside is that it only shoots 24''.  And when it can't shoot enemies, it shoots your own units.  However, the rules let you pivot the unit during the movement phase, and you measure line of sight in the shooting phase.  So...if you can't shoot an enemy unit, just pivot the squig gobba away from your other stuff.  You still have to shove squigs down its gullet, but it's unlikely to shoot your own stuff.

Anyway, I digress.  Cincycon was a 3 game tournament that capped at 26 players.  There were a lot of people still wanting to get in.  The venue was nice and the terrain was nice.  They had the terrain rules set so that most of it was normal and not magical (with the exception of forsts, which were mysterious).  I have hated all the magical terrain since the first of 8th edition.

I played against Nurgle Daemons, Dwarves, and Chaos Ogres.

Game 1

His list (more or less):

6 Beasts

3 units of 2 nurgling bases

Great Unclean One

2 Heralds w/ locus of regeneration

1 Beast

18 Plaguebearers

40 Plaguebearers

This game was tough.  I lost.  It was a dawn attack mission. Somehow I rolled 8 times to put stuff in the right corner.  He got first turn and ran forward.  On my turn, I did my best to put down the great unclean one.  Foot of Gork was dispelled this turn.   I did 4 wounds with war machines to the GUO.

On turn 2, he failed several charges.  I thought I had a chance at this, but the wolf riders rolled animosity and charged his great unclean one.  Suddenly it went wrong.  Once the great unclean one was tied up, I couldn't shoot him.  At this point, he charged the next turn and I was ground down with not much left.

Game 2

His list (more or less):

2 Runesmiths

Organ Gun


Grudge Thrower

Bolt Thrower

Big unit of Hammerers

Big unit of Longbeards

10 irondrakes

3 gyrobombers

Once again, he got first turn and shot lots of my stuff.  I hit his gyrobomber with 2 pumpwagons and killed it.  I had my squigs ahead of my night goblins and the squigs squabbled.  My general was in my night goblin unit, so I couldn't move much due to the general's leadership being stuck.  Note to self:  put the bunker behind the trolls...

Another thing I learned is that the spellbreaker rune is nasty.  And he had two.  He killed the foot of gork on the first turn, which definitely hurt me.  After I slogged for a couple of turns, I managed to hand of gork the trolls at the organ gun.  But another lesson learned:  only two trolls go into combat with the organ gun.  And due to the entrenched rules, I had a hard time hitting them.  The gun hung on for a couple of turns too long.  He managed to charge the side of my trolls.  The trolls ran but got away.  I managed to kill all his war machines and he killed all of mine with the miners that came on the last few turns.  It was a draw.

Game 3

His list (more or less):

Big unit of bulls

Big unit of ironguts

2 ironblasters

3 sabertusks



I could have won this one, but it was not meant to be.  The mission was Watchtower, except that you could blow up the watchtower with a character you nominated on a 5+.  I nominated my boss on the wolf.  For the life of me, I could not blow the thing up.  Also, I cast foot of gork nearly every single turn and did maybe 6 wounds.  The foot kept scattering and then wandering off.  My trolls were run down by Bulls with the Firebelly.  Then the squigs were charged and they whiffed combat.  Then they blew up.  Those two combats happened on the last turn.  Had either held, it would likely have been a draw.  But no.  The thing I took from this game and the other two is that I need more anvil and less hammer.  I am putting nets and more goblins in the night goblin unit.  I am going to run it right behind the trolls.

All in all, the tournament was run well and I had fun.

One of the best things that came from this tournament was the flea market.  I got the old Idol of Gork campaign book from years ago for ten bucks!  I'm excited.  My friend Todd said he'd get his empire army out for this one, so I'll post it when it happens.

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