Thursday, March 27, 2014

One painted army in just 20 minutes a day!

Well...that's the plan, anyway.  Stephen King said that part of his success in writing was disciplining yourself to do it every day.  I figure painting is not far off.  So since my army conversions are mostly done, I'm going to start to get it painted up.  Next on the table is my Savage Orc unit.  I'm aiming for tabletop ready paintjobs.  This is new territory for me.  Normally, I build, convert, and paint in a glut of activity.  I get a lot done for a week, but don't sleep or do anything else while I'm working.   Then I get tired of working and don't want to even look at my stuff for a while.  It's worked in the past, but I have a lot of unpainted models that need to be finished.

The Savage Orc Big 'Uns unit:

It's around 38 savage orcs.  I liberally used squig models to fill in.  I still have a box of savage orcs to get the unit up to 40 guys and to fill out the Squig Shrine/Araknarok Spider model that I'm planning.  The giant squig I found on Ebay and then gave him some bumps, chains, and the shaman riding on top.  The giant squig represents the Big 'Uns upgrade and fills in for 8 orcs.

A close up, but terrible picture of the unit filler:

In my mind, I have this idea of the shaman praying to Gork and/or Mork to help the squigs grow.  One of the orc gods, in true orky fashion, makes the squigs grow like those pumpkins people take to contests.  Just a grotesquely oversized squig.  These are the things that make me love the Orc and Goblin army.

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