Monday, March 10, 2014

Thought I would post some pics of my 40k Ork army.  The army is named "The Orkdeptus Mekanikus."

The background is that the Orks saw a forgeworld and thought it was the coolest thing ever.  But would any self respecting ork boss build a forgeworld?  An ork would find a good one, krump the people running it, and now the orks own a forgeworld.

As for building it, this army is a labor of love.  I started orks when I won a tournament and won an Ork Warboss that the store owner painted for me.  I loved the model so much and began building them.  All in all, I've been building, converting, and painting this army for 10 years.  It took a ton of bits, searching ebay, and prowling through friends' bits boxes to get it the way I wanted.  Here's some pictures of the army as it is now.

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