Monday, March 10, 2014

Attaaaaackkkk...Of The Killer Tomatoes!!! New Tournament List for Orcs & Goblins

In my orc and goblin army, I've always been fascinated and amused by squigs.  I think they're one of Games Workshop's best designs and completely personifies the craziness of Ork/Orc.  Really, they're like basketballs with teeth.  Who wouldn't love one as a pet?

Anyway, here's my 2500 point squig-themed army list for the tournament season this year.  I'm taking this to Cincycon.  The only question is whether the tournament organizer will let me run a forgeworld Squig Gobba.  We will see.

Squigmania 2500 Points


Savage Orc Shaman, level 4, obsidian amulet, dispel scroll- 260 pts

Goes in either the night goblin bunker or the savage orcs, depending on whether the opposing army is shooty or fighty.


Black Orc Bigboss. Nekkid- 90 pts

Night Goblin Bigboss, BSB, standard of discipline.- 70 pts


2x 5 Wolf Riders- 100 pts

40 Night Goblins, musician, standard- 140 pts

40 Savage Orc Big 'Uns, additional hand weapons, standard, musician- 460 points


3x 1 Troll- 105 pts

30 Squigs/19 Herders- 297 pts

30 Squigs/19 Herders- 297 pts

2x1 Wolf Chariot- 100 pts


2 Doom Divers- 160 pts

2 Rock Lobbas- 170 pts

1 Squig Gobba- 120 pts

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